For far too long, the church has been known for what it is against.

We want to be known for what we are for.



We can always use more helping hands! We ask volunteers to arrive around 7:45am. The semi-truck usually arrives at that time and we begin unloading pallets of food. Some of this food is loose produce which we need to separate and bag. Once we have all the pallets off the truck and all the food organized, we begin bringing cars through the line. At this point volunteers help load cars with food and continue to bring food to the line. We finish up around 11am. If you would like to help, please sign up above. If you have any questions, feel free to send Michael an email at


When you arrive, you will be directed into the large parking lot to the left of DTMS and enter a line that snakes around the school. Food distribution usually begins at 9am, but many people will show up early to get in line. Once you arrive at the front of the line you will be asked where you would like your food(back seat, trunk) and how many are in your family. We will then load up food in your car and send you on your way. The distribution ends when we run out of food - we will do our best to alert you when you enter the line if we will not have food left to give you when you reach the front of the line. We are thankful that you are able to come pick up food and we pray it is a blessing to you and your family and neighbors. 





Want to join the #FORHERMITAGE movement?


Use the hashtag: #FORHERMITAGE 
on social media such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter 
when you want to support or show you are FOR Hermitage.


For example:
- Attending a neighborhood gathering
- During a local football game
- At a local restaurant
- Serving at a food bank
- Running a 5K
- A beautiful picture of scenic Hermitage
- Just spending time with friends

Our hope is that every post will show that we are FOR Hermitage
We want everyone to show their positivity and love for Hermitage 
and the wonderful people that live in our local community.