At New Garden, we want to be led by the Holy Spirit first and foremost.


Because of that, our leadership does not consist of one singular person, but rather a group of people

seeking to follow Jesus leading our church towards what God has called us to.


Since 2024, the New Garden leadership works closely with the Woodmont Hills Staff & Shepherds to discern where God may be wanting us to go.


You can see the Woodmont Hills Campus Shepherds & Staff at






NG Campus Lead Minister


Michael has been part of the New Garden Church Family since 2017, when he began as the Student Minister. After serving in a variety of roles, he became the Lead Minister of the New Garden Campus in 2022. In his free time, Michael enjoys spending quality time with his family and frequenting local food & coffee spots.





NG Campus Family Minister


Sidney has been part of the Woodmont Hills Church family since 2022, when she began as an intern with the Woodmont Hills Student Ministry. In 2025, she began serving as the Family Minister at the New Garden Campus, loving and leading kids, students, and their families into a growing relationship with Jesus. 


Josh & Olsa Whitson



Josh & Olsa Whitson have been serving as Shepherds of the New Garden Campus since late 2023,

after being part of the New Garden Church family for nearly a decade prior.